An illusionary perception of personal and species-based isolation forms the foundations for the core pain of humanity known as “abandonment pain.” The feelings that come from this make us feel inherently flawed, isolated, worthless, sad and ultimately resentful. This pain leads us into exile without direction, vision or presence. These symptoms may be attributed toward many of the ills of humanity including, but not limited to: depression, lethargy, violence, greed, chemical dependency and other potentially harmful emotional states and behaviors.
Conscious embodiment calls humanity into deeper integration, sacredness, and true empowerment by working with three main areas. a) First our work is to attune our consciousness into physical existence, the inner creative visionary center and the true heart of the Universe. b) Second, the individual aligns their awareness and perception into the rhythm and energetic dialogue within, between and through the Levels of Life and its attending spirit beings. Finally, this work then brings us into c) agreement between the stellar realms and the inner and ancestral reasons why we were intended into existence.
The techniques, lore and practices taught in the House of Brigh foster a “re-sacredizing” of life, facilitate a co-creative paradigm, and issue forth lasting transformation that moves us from suffering needlessly as humans merely of “compliance” to beings of “congruence” with the directive of our spirit. HOB teachings focus on supporting seekers in coming into right relationship with their center/ core, incarnate lives and the source of our existence regardless of spiritual or religious practices.